Good Morning Routines with CBD
Most of us are not morning people and early mornings don’t always come easy for us. From a blaring alarm clock and inbox full of emails to morning traffic commute and breakfast on the run—it can all add up to a challenging start to the day. Incorporating CBD oil into our morning routines has become a staple that helps us keep our cool, and stay calm and collected when facing the day.
There are countless ways to work CBD oil into your daily routine, but here are a few of our favorite ways to start the day with a smile and take off on the right foot:
Taking CBD Oil with Breakfast
Adding Peppermint flavored Balance CBD Oil to your morning cup of coffee can help perk you up while also calming a frantic mind so that you’re in a better headspace when work stressors start flying at you. Check out some of our awesome CBD recipes!But let’s be real, sometimes hitting that snooze button one too many times means skipping breakfast altogether. Fear not, we’ve got you covered too. Try taking the peppermint-flavored CBD oil on its own! We recommend administering it sublingually, or under your tongue. Simply place a dropperful under your tongue and hold for about a minute while it dissolves. It’s a delicious and fast way to start your morning on a balanced note.

Including CBD Oil in Your Skincare Routine
Skin care companies have seen the positive impact that CBD can have on one’s skin, and therefore, have started including it in facial products. That’s because CBD acts as an antioxidant, reducing damage to the skin that's caused by free radicals, which causes premature aging of the skin, and we all want that baby face back, am I right?!
Plus, if you’re someone who battles breakouts, topical CBD oil can also be used as a spot treatment since it has powerful antibiotic properties. In a clinical study, CBD was shown to reduce acne blemishes that are caused by inflammation, bacterial infection, and oily skin.
After a Morning Workout
Experiencing post-workout muscle soreness or cranky joints? You guessed it, CBD is here to save the day. It’s been shown to support a healthy inflammatory response and help put out the internal fire. Use CBD oil topically for targeted effects or take it internally after a workout for total body benefits.
During the Mid-Morning Slump
You know the feeling—it usually happens on Mondays after a long weekend. You’re trying to get back into your work routine, but your brain feels foggy and you’re having trouble staying focused. Research has shown that the properties of CBD can help the brain with clarity and focus. Additionally, CBD may ward off stress, so you can focus on the task in front of you instead of worrying about your long to-do list.As the research of CBD continues to grow, the benefits of incorporating it into your morning and daily routine are becoming more and more evident. By supporting your mind, mood, and body, CBD oil can help make mornings less of an uphill battle and make for a more productive day. The key is to find the right dose and delivery for you. Just remember, you got this!